Friday, May 12, 2006

Survival of The Fittest

Read this in my friend Somair's scrapbook:=

Man, preeminent though he is in the animal kingdom, capable of reacting upon and making suitable an unsuitable environment,nevertheless remains the creature of this same law of development.The social selection to which he is subject is merely another form of natural selection. True, within certain narrow limits he modifies the struggle for existence and renders less precarious the tenure of life for the weak. The extremely weak, diseased, and inefficient are housed in hospitals and asylums. The strength of the viciously strong, when inimical to society, is tempered by penal institutions and by the gallows. The short-sighted are provided with spectacles, and the sickly (when they can pay for it) with sanitariums. Pestilential marshes are drained, plagues are checked,and disasters averted. Yet, for all that, the strong and the progeny of the strong survive, and the weak are crushed out........................................................................................................

1 comment:

Survivor said...

I came.. I saw.. I realised that Aftab is busy in school.. and I wish him good luck with that..

And I leave..

See ya bro..