Monday, December 25, 2006

~Heisenberg's principle of Uncertainty~

Today I got an SMS around 3 pm regarding the most bizarre demise of our Forensic Medicine Teacher. He taught us last year when we were third year medical students. Perhaps the death wasn't as bizarre as the fact that he committed suicide. Maybe even that wasn't as bizarre as the fact that he was Dr.Tariq ,one of the most loveable teachers you could get to know. I thought of it as some utterly insane rumour, until I got it confirmed from a few other sources, and the final nail in the coffin was when I read the news on the front-page of local newspapers.

How could someone so benign commit suicide? Apparently, he had some dispute with the property dealer of his area over some land. He went into the property dealer's office and waited over two hours to meet the man in private. He then walked in, and killed the property dealer and shot another guy sitting there, before using the gun on himself.

The newspaper stated that Dr.Tariq was severely depressed and was also undergoing treatment at the local Psychiatric Department.

It is utterly sad to see someone who was so vocal about the inadequacy of the autopsy methods in Pakistan, being subjected to the same protocol in DHQ. I am still in shock over the incident. I pray that Allah forgives him and gives him place in Heaven. Though, suicide in Islam is perhaps one of the worst and most punishable offense. And I remember him in class telling us how low suicide was. How could someone change from such a gentle human being to a murderer? Perhaps, this is one of the few uncertainties of life. I pray that we all live and die as good Muslims. I hope we don't ever have to go through the agony of suicide.

As for Dr.Tariq, I pray for your soul to rest in peace. You were one of the few inspirations in my life as a medical student. I just wish that things would have happened differently. May Allah Bless You and forgive your shortcomings.Ameen. We still love you.

1 comment:

Mariam Zahid said...


thats shocking!!!